Monday, October 7, 2019

The Integration of Sustainability Initiatives (green) and Performance Research Paper

The Integration of Sustainability Initiatives (green) and Performance Excellence Intiatives - Research Paper Example Additionally, it led to reduction of trees consumption. Proper implementation of the initiatives enabled the company to make $ 2.4 millions in expenditure savings (Espinoza & Walker, 2007). Dow Chemical Company adopted green and performance initiatives in the 1990s. The company reduced the use of water. Initially, the company used a large amount of water in the production processes. It adopted various initiatives that aimed at improving the wellbeing of the environment. The environmental initiatives were complemented by performance structures that ensured sustained performance of the business. The other initiatives that the company developed include utilization of seed oils in the production of polyurethane foam, and use of sugarcane in the production of polyethylene. These were done in Brazil. Furthermore, the company used biodiesel waste to produce high-tech epoxy resins. The initiatives enabled Dow Chemical Company to make $ 5 billion because of savings and efficiencies that resulted (Espinoza & Walker, 2007). This occurred during the period between 2000 and the year 2005. The concepts of sustainability and performance initiatives have been used in development of promotion strategies. New Belgium Brewing has used the initiatives to market the company, improve performance and increase market share of the company. The core beliefs and values of the company relate to the environment. They seek to ensure sustainability approach in the use of the environment. The company adopted the use of wind power in the production process in 1998. Previously, the company used hydroelectric power. Since then, the company has adopted other sustainability approaches to business. An example of the initiatives includes use of heat in the brewery to light buildings. The management of the company used the sustainability approach to brand the business (Mintzer, 2008). Curtis Packaging took a

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